In every corner of the world, a unified cry,
From hearts connected, voices raised high.
Oh Monkey, your style, it blows our minds,
With agility and grace, you leave us mesmerized.

From ancient legends to modern tales,
Monkey's spirit soars, never fails.
With each leap and bound, you captivate,
A true embodiment of artistry innate.

In forests deep and mountains high,
Your acrobatic feats make spirits fly.
Your playful antics, a source of delight,
Filling our hearts with pure joy and light.

With swift movements and agile tricks,
You transcend boundaries, you defy physics.
In your Monkey style, we find inspiration,
A reminder of life's endless innovation.

You navigate obstacles with ease,
Teaching us to face challenges, to seize
Opportunities that come our way,
With courage and resilience every day.

Oh Monkey, you blow our minds,
With your prowess and spirit combined.
Through your dance, we find liberation,
A celebration of pure imagination.

So let us come together, far and wide,
In admiration of Monkey's mighty stride.
With awe and wonder, we join the chorus,
Celebrating Monkey's style that ignites us.

You blow our minds, Monkey dear,
Your essence we hold forever near.
In your grace and agility, we find bliss,
A testament to the magic of Monkey's kiss.