Tribute to Anonymous

Sometimes I think that this groups didn't like this track.
Maybe they don't understand the meaning.
At least I hope someday they will know, that even if there is some good activities associated to Anonymous, there are the bad. Like everything else that is based on that propriety called V.
Revange doesn't solve problems, they are just an echo replay. That is what they do, normally.
I hope they understand that, they need to have fun to do what ever they like to do, to explain the reason of doing the same! Addiction to Repetition!
I Know that simple joke that say's: "You are not able to Win the Storm", and that person, somewhere in Time say: I am the Storm". It is a joke, because to win the storm you need to leave it away, or else the storm take you with "her".
You probably already know that, because You know, that no one could Win the Air, the Wind, the Rain, the Land or the Sea, and they will be there, for eternity! And I will repeat myself again. I only ask a Path of Shields!