We all need some frustration to reach better flows.
All dedicated work create frustractions.
They are just sensations that we need to live with.
But don't give up, you need to continue dreaming, so you can make something better

In the ticking world of time's relentless sway,
A dance of frustration unfolds day by day.
Within this intricate web of seeking control,
Lies a quest to tame the current that sparks the soul.
Frustration, a tempest that brews within,
As moments slip by, like grains of sand in the wind.
In the labyrinthine corridors of discovery's path,
The pursuit of understanding, a trial with no aftermath.
The flickering glow of knowledge just out of reach,
A puzzle that taunts with lessons it will teach.
Oh, the yearning to unravel the enigmatic threads,
To grasp the secrets that lie dormant, like whispered words unsaid.
In the quest for dominion over electric might,
Impediments arise, casting shadows of blight.
Obstacles line the road, hurdles to overcome,
The intricate dance of progress, not easily won.
Through trial and error, the sparks may ignite,
Yet frustration lingers, a specter in the fight.
Complexities unfold with each passing phase,
Demanding patience and fortitude in relentless ways.
The ebb and flow of time's ceaseless tide,
As discoveries elude, frustration takes its stride.
But within this struggle, a fire still burns,
A determination that stubbornly yearns.
For in the throes of frustration's weary grip,
A beacon of resilience begins to equip.
A tenacious spirit that refuses to yield,
In the pursuit of understanding, an unyielding shield.
And so, frustration becomes a catalyst to grow,
A driving force, a relentless undertow.
With each setback endured, knowledge takes form,
As the elusive spark of electricity begins to transform.
In the intricate dance between frustration and delight,
A journey unfolds, unveiling insights bright.
For in the process of time's unyielding flow,
Simple truths are discovered, and wisdom begins to grow.