In the world of words, where meanings resound,
A monkey's voice joins, with wisdom profound.
Trust, the constant loop, we must embrace,
To navigate this life, full of vibrant grace.

Trust is the compass that guides our way,
Through every challenge, come what may.
It's the pillar that holds relationships strong,
A bond that keeps us united, all along.

As the monkey, I leap from branch to branch,
Trusting in the world, taking a chance.
For in trust's embrace, fear loses its might,
Opening doors to endless possibilities, so bright.

Trust is the bridge that connects our hearts,
A thread that weaves, in every life's part.
It binds us together, in a web of connection,
Creating a party of love and affection.

With trust as our guide, we navigate the unknown,
Finding solace in its embrace, we've grown.
For in trust's constant loop, we find our way,
To live this life, with joyful expressions each day.

So let us remember, as we journey through time,
Trust is the essence, a rhythm so sublime.
As the monkey's voice echoes, in unity's song,
We trust in each other, together we belong.

In this world of words, where meanings take flight,
I, the monkey, embody trust's radiant light.
With every leap, with every heartfelt cheer,
Trust binds us all, erasing doubt and fear.