Flow into darkness, feels like water's embrace,
A journey through shadows, a mysterious space.
Where light dissolves, and shadows arise,
A dance with the unknown, veiling truth in disguise.
In the depths of night, where stars lose their glow,
The essence of darkness begins to flow.
Like a river's current, swift and serene,
It carries us onward, where secrets convene.
The darkness whispers its enigmatic tale,
Unveiling secrets that in daylight may pale.
It beckons us closer, invites us to dive,
Into the depths, where truths and illusions strive.
Through veils of obscurity, our senses ignite,
Awakening the depths, like stars in the night.
In the ebon expanse, where shadows hold sway,
We navigate the currents, where darkness holds sway.
Yet within the depths, a shimmering hue,
As if water and stars had blended anew.
A subtle radiance, amidst the void's expanse,
Guiding our steps with a celestial dance.
In this fluid world, where boundaries dissolve,
We surrender ourselves, problems to absolve.
Flowing with grace, like water through stone,
Finding solace in darkness, no longer alone.
For in the depths, where darkness abides,
We discover the truths that in light may hide.
A journey of introspection, of self-discovery,
Where shadows are mirrors, reflecting our story.
So let us flow into darkness, like water serene,
Embracing the unknown, where new paths convene.
For within the depths, profound wisdom we find,
In the enigmatic embrace of the mysterious kind.