More than anything, a single one, with no more than
1% different from others humans.
The face is different, and many others aspects related to the human body
are 99% equal to many. It means we
are the same body with different exterior aspects, that can be judge
with different hierarchic levels of beauty. But then, each one of us
have the same tool with different perspectives to deal and understand
itself and the world around. In that aspect, we can be
99% different with
1% equal, or in the shadows of
verbal interpretations, 99% equal
and 1% different from each one of
all people who lived, lives and it will live! So, even with all that
difference, or equivalence, we are more or less
99% equal to each other. So there
is no problem at all, but many solutions.
Interpretations of emotions is an inside process, that some don’t
reflect an interpretation of itself but an spontaneous act of choice,
and others, that were not done, a complex verbal expression that can be
described as music, poetry, paint and many others ways that are related
to human history ( art and expression ). Art can be found in history as
choking or simply as an emotion that will give us the freedom to give
our own interpretation about that image, sound, reading, colors, moves,
Most expressions need to be related to Earth, just because earth is the
floor where we all live. Earth is our Home, and Earth is censorial, and
Mother of Life in a random place of this Galaxy, of a random Galaxy of
Universe. Earth is a lucky Planet that have everything that We need to
exist, Water and Air, without forgetting the Fire, that can exist with
different proprieties out of this planet, or out of this galaxy, but in
all stars, Sun’s of random galaxies, that have random planets with the
possibility of 1% to have life
forms in a universe more or less
99% equal to itself. Well, I can
imagine that is 99% equal as its
architecture but not as its forms or proprieties, because many of the
techniques of creativity or creation are
1% of
99% of the logical thinking
process that is based of rationality, discipline and repetition. Any
creation is a new perspective that is no less than
99% equal to all the rational and
logical techniques tools that can be used as shadows of verbal
interpretation perspective, that is
99% equal and
1% different from each one of all
people who lived, lives and it will live, that represents the Core
Knowledge of life creation.
So, even with all that difference, or equivalence, we are more or less
99% equal to each other.
Any creation is a new perspective that is no less than
99% equal to all the rational and
logical techniques tools that can be used as a tool or simple technique
of expression.
Intelligence is only a technique or tool that makes abstracts relations
with abstracts or non-abstracts objects, without the need of having a
full knowledge of each object, as the lamp of creativity is. A simple
tool that make relations of many things without the need of having a
full knowledge of each object to use abstracts or non-abstracts objects
and create a new form, tool, expression, etc.
99% of the work that I called
“OdicforceSounds” is a full creative story that use many of abstracts or
non-abstracts objects that were in my mind, living news and school
learning knowledge that I have no deep knowledge to all objects, and
with a single and simple sequence of objects that can be related to an
abstract object, that is for those who ear, something less abstract that
really is. ( sound, emotion and expression )
This history more than anything is about my perception of time, that in
fact is my expression, the unique human propriety that humanity try to
share and conserve to remember it self as human.
No is not related to friends, family or anyone or community in their
99% difference between each others
and 1% equal in their structure,
but my self as center of the world (that is not True), but pure theory
which many call it as "Philosophy" ... even for the condition of the philosopher Solipsism is his condition.
Truth is, that we are all simple signals of emotions, and expressions.
Each one of us, alone with many others alone, in their own body's.
The will of being in this loneliness self is the start point to
understand what kind of social duty we need to have to complete our
self's. The joy of living in community. In fact, we all live in
communities, even when we are with our public or non-public group of
people which we normally call them friends, or closely, family. The
place that we are what we like to be. Normally when each one do what
ever each one want to, in their community space, is in a state of Love
and Compassion, not only for it self but to those in the Community.
The screams of a baby that don’t use worlds, but the compassionate
caring love of her mother that understand what she wants. A silent
acknowledgment of a smile that give us more than words.
What human life is more than an expression? An expression of existence.
This is where the story begone. The Love Letter that grumbler the
Vibrational Zone. As any interpretation of any emotion can be
99% to
1% common to others sense, images
can be used to express emotions. How sweet is to share an emotion, a
dream, a life, our own expression of our own
Creativity and Improvisation, called many times as Intelligence.
With the full description of news around the World, that didn't found
tools to talk and share without using weapons, I made a relation to
North Mythology, in their abstract object of a symbolic emotional
expression of War. All the solutions related to this story that are not
Music, Paint and Lyric Expressions, are the
1% of it self, represented by me
as Gifts that I wish no one destroy them, because more than funny as
fantasy can be, they are really good tools for all of us, because we all
know how much we love to play games.
We need to believe that change is inside of us, then, us as one
Expression of Existence.
While Buddha can be the Simplicity of
Discipline that aims to be stable,
Shiva have different approach of
how stability can be aim to the self as an emotion.
In my non-fully knowledge of all abstracts or non-abstracts objects that
each God have in their own religion concept of it self, I make relations
that makes a fully fantasy story with a mix of different perspectives of
the same probability of cause:
99% of real information about each
God is different from the other, but
1% equal in the message
So I had this dream or image in my mind that is only a dream like many
others that have sense or not, and because it was in my head, it was
real for me, but for you can only be a peace of emotions that I express
writing, abstracts images or mix of colors, and electronic music that
can be the best way to mix any kind of music with a
1% different music that will make
a 99% of creativity or emotion.
I Love Existence, Philosophy but mostly Religions ( message ) that are
living concepts of Civic Actions, not only for humans, but for
animals ( as we all are ) !!!